
 Screen Shot 2016-02-05 at 1.27.38 PM The Netherlands-Canadian Chamber of Commerce (NCCC)
is located in the Netherlands, and is a proactive, non-government, non-profit, voluntary organization of companies and individuals representing members with business, cultural, educational and other interests in and between Canada and the Netherlands. | more … |
| | email | NCCC Newsletter (PDF)
 xlogo.gif.pagespeed.ic.6sJPWo1uKy The European Union Chamber of Commerce in Toronto (EUCOCIT )
is the umbrella organization of 21 European Union bilateral Chambers of Commerce and Business Associations and 6 associate members from other European countries, amounting to a membership of 27 organizations.
 minbuza-logo Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands – in Toronto is a diplomatic mission of the Dutch government. The Trade Department of the Consulate General is your partner in business concerning all questions related to trade, commerce and other economic and financial transactions.
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 FinalLogo2 Dutch Treat – stay informed about all things Dutch and Dutch-Candian in Toronto and the GTA. Dutch Treat Canada is a (free) social and cultural organization serving the Dutch-Canadian community in Toronto and the GTA. We organize a number of activities for various people: young and old; families, couples and singles; in and outside the city. We communicate in both Dutch and English.
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 Screen Shot 2015-11-20 at 1.59.23 PM Netherlands Luncheon Club – Club featuring guest speakers on a variety of topics. New immigrants from Holland and desecendants from immigrants are just two sources from which to maintain and expand membership. Being able to speak Dutch is not a prerequisite, as English is the official language of the Netherlands Luncheon Club and its speakers. Basically, anyone who is in some way, business or social, connected to the Netherlands, is welcome to apply.
 page 01.qxd The Nederlandse Courant – Dutch Canadian Bi-Weekly Inc, is North America’s oldest and most published Dutch language newspaper, and now the only Dutch newspaper, that regularly reports on events within the Dutch-Canadian community. Established in 1953. Publisher: Theo and Lia Luykenaar. De Nederlandse COURANT is published every two weeks on a Saturday. The two December issues are combined into one Christmas Issue. A member of the Ontario Community Newspaper Association. On June 1, 2018 De Nederlandse Courant joined forces with De Krant  to reach the Dutch Community in North America
| | email | 1-800-COURANT |
p165597q Dutch Touch Radio – is a weekly show that provides music and news from Holland, as well as local news from the Dutch community in the Greater Toronto Area. It broadcasts from Oakville on CJMR 1320 AM, every Saturday morning at from 8:30 am to 9:30 am. Recordings of the show are hosted on this website and posted a few days after the show. Dutch Touch Radio has been on the air since January 1998 and is hosted and produced by Martin van Denzen.
| | email | 416-229-1753 |



DE KRANT AND DUTCH the  magazine

At Mokeham Publishing Inc. we publish periodicals and books related to The Netherlands and the Dutch in North America. Our company was founded in 2007 when we took over the publication of Maandblad de Krant (formerly ‘de Hollandse Krant’) the Dutch language monthly newspaper for Canada and the USA. In August of 2011 we launched our new full-colour English language magazine, ‘DUTCH the magazine’ (905) 465-0777


The Canadian Netherlands Business and Professional Association

The Canadian Netherlands Business and Professional Association (CNBPA) provides a networking forum for business people and professionals with Dutch interests to interact on a regular basis, discuss common business issues and to promote the economic and social interests of its members.


Canada Netherlands Friendship Association

The CNFA is dedicated to strengthening the ties between Canada and the Netherlands through trade, commerce, the arts and by keeping alive the history of the sacrifices made by Canadians to liberate the Netherlands by special events to be held on or around each May 5th.

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Canadian Association for the Advancement of Netherlandic Studies

Association canadienne pour l’avancement des études néerlandaises

It is the aim of our organization to stimulate an awareness of, and interest in, Netherlandic (Dutch, Flemish and South-African) culture and to facilitate the gathering and dissemination of information in the areas of interest of the organization.

Our organization encourages the study of the Dutch language and of Netherlandic culture at educational and cultural institutions in Canada in the form of classroom programmes and library acquisitions.

As such we organize activities to promote the above-mentioned goals.

Besides the National organization there are also local Chapters in Calgary, Montreal, Ottawa, Toronto and Vancouver. These chapters organize their own activities.


Some other links to Dutch organizations and services in the Toronto area:
The Nederlands Consul General in Toronto
Holland Christian Homes
The Netherlands Bazaar