
NLC Membership 2023/2024

We have not charged a membership fee since 2020, due to COVID. We need your support to continue organizing events, day trips and more. If you paid your 2023 membership it is valid from January 1, 2023, until December 1, 2024.   If you did not pay your NLC dues in 2023, please include a $25.00 p.p. for the 2024 NLC membership fee valid from January 1, 2024, until December 1, 2024. Please click here to download the new 2024 NLC Membership Form

Please send your payment for the number of people that are members or non-members. $35.00 NLC Member or $50.00. Non-NLC member. number of people coach transfer $40.00 p.p. number of people 2024 NLC membership Please send a cheque payable to Netherlands Luncheon Club,  c/o NLC, 44 Bartlett Drive, Seguin, ON, P2A 2W8.  Or send an e-transfer mentioning your name on the e-transfer. Email: netherlandsluncheonclub@gmail.com

Your registration for the May 5, 2024 event is confirmed after receipt of your payment. For more information contact: Henny Groenendijk, by phone: 1 905 465 5771, or email: Hennyg2020@gmail.com Visit www.Netherlands Luncheon Club.ca for more information.


With thanks to our sponsors:  

Gé Spaans, Committee Netherlands Bazaar informed us, that unfortunately due to a lack of incoming contributions  (mostly COVID-19 related), the time has come to dissolve the Committee Netherlands Bazaar as of the end of February 2024. Over the past 70 years, the Committee Netherlands Bazaar has brought joy to many less-fortunate families by providing them with food parcels, and food gift certificates and sending hundreds of less-fortunate children to one-week summer camps.

We applaud the Committee Netherlands Bazaar for their tireless efforts in supporting the less fortunate among us.

Congratulations to Tom and Bas for producing a gezellige and interesting Krant almost monthly.

If you don’t have a subscription, now is the time to take a subscription. Contact Tom Bijvoet, Publisher “De Krant – “Dutch Magazine”, www.mokeham.com, email: publisher@mokeham.com or call: 905 465 0777 to sign up.

Check This Out – Dutch the Podcast! with Tom Bijvoet, publisher of Dutch the magazine. Introduces listeners to a wide range of topics related to the Netherlands, the Dutch and the Dutch diaspora. He regularly brings on expert guests to discuss specific aspects of Dutch culture, history and society. Based in Canada, he pays special attention in his choice of subjects to the global presence of Dutch people and their descendants.

NLC DUES in 2024

Your NLC dues paid in 2023 have been extended to 2024.

Please click here to download the new 2024 NLC Membership Form.

Feel free to pay your 2023/2024 NLC Membership $25.00 fee to, among others, support organizing our 70th Anniversary event on May 5, 2024.

Please mail a cheque, payable to Netherlands Luncheon Club for $25.00 c/o NLC,

44 Bartlett Drive, Seguin, ON, P2A 2W8.

We are constantly and diligently updating our NLC member contact information to update the member booklet.

Please send your new contact information, home address, e-mail, and telephone number to hennyg2020@gmail.com